2 Bloor Street West, Suite 2603
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3E2
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Tel: 416-961-5612
Fax: 416-961-6158

Contact Us

You can contact one of our partners in confidence by email or telephone.

The following can be reached by dialing 416-961-5612 followed by the appropriate extension when prompted.

Name Ext. Email Address
Steve Z. Ranot 225 sranot@marmerpenner.com
Pier Sperti 230 psperti@marmerpenner.com
Anna M. Barrett 224 abarrett@marmerpenner.com
James Savelli 226 jsavelli@marmerpenner.com
Jaclyn Kideckel 257 jkideckel@marmerpenner.com
Keir Mckenzie 234 kmckenzie@marmerpenner.com
Timmy Cheng 256 tcheng@marmerpenner.com
Lynda Nguyen 221 lnguyen@marmerpenner.com
Marilyn Smith 222 msmith@marmerpenner.com

The closest convenient parking lot is the Hudson’s Bay Centre parking at 2 Bloor Street East with the entrances on Bloor Street or Asquith Avenue just east of Yonge Street.
